COTMA Conference 1994 Bendigo
The Full
Document Part 1 Participants
and Programme and Welcome 1.2 Mb Download
Part 2 Papers Section 1 6.2Mb
Part 3 Papers Section 2 6.4Mb
Part 4 COTMA Reports and General Meeting
1. Keynote
Address Geoffrey Claydon
2. What
to do until the Coroner comes Phil AVard and
Don Marshall
3. Good
housekeeping of traction motors Richard Gilbert
4. Drivers
Medical Report Dennis Bell and others
5. Tramways
in Melbourne and Expectations for the future from a Managerial Viewpoint
Eric Keys
6. Tram
Car Restoration Graham Jones
7. The
Employment of Professional Staff by Community Museums John Radcliffe
8. The
Christchurch Tramway comes to town Building a Heritage Street Tramway in the
1990s Dave Hinman and Murray Sanders
Driver Training Committee Richard Gilbert and others.
10. Street
and Site Scaping discussion session Bill Kingsley
11. The
use of Vintage Buses to Supplement a Tramway Museum Income Bruce Dale
12. Project
Management turning your Dreams into Reality Craig Tooke
13. Bus
and Coach Museums as COTMA Members discussion session John Radcliffe
14. A
Society in Transition John Shanks
15. Developing
Social Activities discussion session Carolyn Dean
16. Tell
us your History Colin Seymour
17. Tramway
Overhead John Beckett
18. Notes
on Video Productions of the Sydney Tramway Museum Don Campbell
19. Axle
Box Brasses and Cast Steel Wedges Wear, Causes and Remedies Bob Pearce
20. Fire
Prevention discussion session Bruce Worthington
21. Are
we talking to the Right Ministry Richard Gilbert
22. Society
Imaging Leaflets, Postcards and Guidebooks Bill Scott
23. Rail
Safety Legislation in New Zealand Les Stewart
24. Skills
Develop in the Museum Environment Trevor Burling
25. Rail
Safety Legislation in New South Wales Don Campbell
26. Getting
Victorias Public Transport Heritage on the Move Hon Alan Brown MP,
Minister for Public Transport
27. After
Dinner Speech to the COTMA Conference Bendigo Geoffrey Claydon