Useful Documents

COTMA, COTMA Member Produced Documents Linked Documents or other documents.

The following documents or links to other documents available on the web are provided as a service to members and friends. Most of these documents have been referenced in the COTMA Member News Updates.

COTMA or COTMA Member Produced Documents

COTMA Rules of Association - 2018.

COTMA Principles for Membership Relations

Tramway Parts and Equipment Policy v1 - 4/2020

Tramway Parts and Equipment Application Template v1.0

Joint COTMA/ATHRA/FRONZ promotional poster - A2 size.


Linked Documents

Electric Railways ICS Textbook c1901

Military Railways - revised edition 1917 - US Corps of Engineers


Links to Conservation Documents

wadnote - 7-12-2023 - update for

The Burra Charter 2013(ICOMOS Australia)

BePrepared - a valuable guide on writing disaster preparedness plans

The Riga Charter (FEDECRAIL)

Sharing Our Stories - National Trust of Australia (WA), Museums Australia

Significance - A Guide to Assessing the Significance of Collections

Collection Management Systems - a NSW Museums and Galleries guide to the various systems available.

Engineering Heritage Australia - Engineering Heritage and Conservation Guidelines

Safe in the Shed - Caring for Historic Farm Machinery - NSW Heritage Office

| Credits |
Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia Inc. - A0030417B - ABN 81 315 085 479