With the assistance of COTMA Members we are able to make available a number of manufacturer tram and rail technical manuals. This section was initiated when the Australian Electric Transport Museum (St Kilda Tramway Museum) received a number of older manuals dating from about 1915 to the 1940's from the National Railway Museum (NRM)Adelaide. The Rail Commissioner / Public Transport Services firstly donated these documents to the NRM as part of the move of the Rail Car Depot from North Terrace to Dry Creek. The NRM recognizing the tramway nature of the documents, subsequently transferred them to the AETM Archives. COTMA thanks all those involved in the provision of these documents. These documents date back to the first generation Adelaide Tramway system and the development of the H1 class Adelaide tram after World War II. Material is also being added from other COTMA sources.

COTMA Museums and collecting institutions are welcome to add to this collection of pdf documents by forwarding them to cotma@cotma.org.au


1. Access is being provided to these items for archival and library use by COTMA Museums as a matter of historical significance or public interest and for conservation purposes including with museums’ archives, exhibits and equipment, in terms of section 200AB of the Copyright Act 1968 (Aust C’wealth) as amended by the Copyright Amendment Act 2006. The intent of this provision is to allow a “flexible exception to enable copyright material to be used for certain socially useful purposes while remaining consistent with Australia’s obligations under international copyright treaties”. These items may not be accessed for the generation of profit.

2. COTMA does not warrant the suitability of this information for your purposes and this information is provided only for reference and research purposes. 

3. Acknowledgement of COTMA should be provided as the source of this document in any uses you make of it.

4. The Ex MMTB Drawings - are owned by VicTrack and under our licence agreement can only be made available to COTMA Members and other tramway or street railway museums through actual printed copies. For the supply of prints of these drawings, please contact the webmaster at cotma@cotma.org.au and arrangements can be made for printing and costs advised.

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Council of Tramway Museums of Australasia Inc. - A0030417B - ABN 81 315 085 479