COTMA2023 Conference Proceedings

Telling the Story – Kōrerotia te pūrakau


5th to 8th October 2023


COTMA2023 Conference Dinner Address - Graham Stewart 

COTMA2023 Presentation Power Points

          Aviation Lessons for Tram Operators – Mike Zaytsoff

          Ballarat Tram Museum - Providing the Means – Paul Mong

          Bio-Fuels – Tony Messenger

          “Doing Things Differently” – MBCTT – Mal Rowe

          From Vellum to CAD – Leyton Chan

          Launceston TMS – Trackwork Rehabilitation – Tony Weston

          New Zealand Tramway Heritage – Mike Mellor & Alan Smith

          Toronto Tram Network - & Cold Weather Operations – Mike Zaytsoff

          Trolley Wire – its uses as research tool – John Cowper & Robert Lee

COTMA2023 - Presentation Papers

          Bio-Fuels – Tony Messenger

          New Zealand Tramway Heritage – Mike Mellor & Alan Smith

          Providing the Means to tell the story – Paul Mong



COTMA2023 - Posters


          Ballarat Tramway Museum – Bungaree

          Ballarat Tramway Museum – Track

          Dockline Tram at Wynyard Quarter

          From Vellum to CAD

          Launceston Tramway – Trackwork

          Powering MoTaT’s trams

          Trolley Wire


COTMA2023 – Museum Roundups

          Ballarat Tramway Museum

          Christchurch Tramways

          Launceston Tramway Museum Society